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Hi, today let’s talk about J Crew and find out if it’s safe to shop at the store. We’ve gathered all the good, the bad, and the ugly about J Crew. At a time when there are so many fashion stores online, does J Crew offer the range and quality of products and prices to stand out from the crowd? Is an online fashion store even legitimate to begin with? Let’s see if the store’s reputation is as good and trustworthy as it is advertised. So take a look if you want to know if this online store is worth shopping at? Don’t forget to subscribe to our channel and leave a like. And also leave your comments below the video if you have had an experience with this store.

For years, J.Crew has been a clothing store with something for everyone, but the company has been having some financial difficulties as of late. Stores started closing a few years ago, and the company filed for bankruptcy in May of 2020, but that doesn’t mean all of the stores will be closing. They are hoping to get through this challenge and continue on as a successful company, and it is far from the first hurdle they’ve had to jump through over the years.

Let’s take a look at some things that you should know before buying from J.Crew again.

#JCrew #Store #Clothing

Filing for bankruptcy | 0:00
Ups and downs | 1:10
Community and society | 2:05
Plenty of shopping options | 2:59
Environmental stance | 4:00
Inclusive sizing | 5:13
Partnering with other brands | 6:09
The First Lady effect | 7:04
Credit card bonuses | 8:00
Inclusive in its media presence | 9:00
Returns and exchanges | 10:13
Dresses and suits | 11:14

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Small YouTuber Motivation – You NEED To See This…

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🎁 How To Make Money Online With YouTube: [My YouTube Programme]

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🎵 Music I use: use code JOHN02 for 20% off!

How To Make Money Online – My 4 Favourite Ways:
1️⃣ Set-up 10+ income streams with YouTube:
2️⃣ Best Programme To Start an Online Business:
3️⃣ Promote Fiverr & Get Paid Commission:
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This video provides some motivation for YouTubers. In particular, the goal is to provide some inspiration for content creators with burnout, writers block or simply disappointment at their channel growth so far. If you’re a small YouTuber, an aspiring YouTuber, or even a larger channel in need of some YouTube motivation, then this YouTuber Motivation video is meant for you! #YouTuber motivation & inspiration #youtubemotivation #youtubers #creatoreconomy

After watching this video, I highly recommend checking out some of the videos on MagnatesMedia that are more practical – such as strategies for growing your YouTube channel, or case studies like “How Jake Tran is KILLING The YouTube algorithm”. Because whilst a dose of motivation can help you get motivated to make more videos and work on your channel, YouTube motivation doesn’t work without having a YouTube strategy to go with it.

So check out for more. I also recommend other channels that talk about the creator economy, like Colin and Samir. I wish you the best of luck with growing your YouTube channel, and I hope this video helped you get motivated to grow your channel & make more YouTube videos!
💬 Please also let me know your thoughts on this small YouTuber motivation video – I read every comment!


DISCLAIMER: I’m not a financial advisor. I may receive a commission on affiliate links used. All content used within the parameters of fair use. Please view our About page to contact us.


💲 EXCLUSIVE OFFER – I’ve partnered with Invest With Henry (YouTube creator with ~120,000 subscribers) to get you a huge 20% discount off his premium options investing course. Use code MAGNATES for 0 off: 💲

🌟 Want to know how I produce these videos, and how YOU can create a profitable business by making your own YouTube content just like this? Check out our YouTube Business Blueprint: 🌟

^ This is my own YouTube business course. I am currently working on expanding it, and if you join today, you will get access to ALL future updates completely free. There are no upsells – this is EVERYTHING you could ever want to know about making great videos, getting your first 20,000 subscribers, and building a full-time income online from YouTube.
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99.9% Of eCommerce Products Will NEVER Sell Without this! | eCommerce Marketing Strategy

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99.9% Of eCommerce Products Will NEVER Sell Without this! | eCommerce Marketing Strategy

If you want to make money from the web, it’s not as simple as setting up a Shopify store and just generating sales. If it was that easy, no one would be going into an office and working in the normal workforce. Today I’m going to share why 99% of eCommerce will never sell without this. You’ll learn an easy eCommerce marketing strategy that can help you grow your ecommerce sales quickly and effectively.

7 Proven Ways to Grow eCommerce Sales By 50% or More (video):

5 Ecommerce Optimization Tips to Improve Your Product Page Conversion Rates (video):

So are you wondering what that one thing is? It’s persuasive copy.

No, I’m not talking about a tool or anything like that. It really is copy.

Just think of it this way, someone lands on your site, whether you do ads or SEO or email marketing, they check out this product that you’re selling, but then, they don’t see much.

They just see a few sentences, maybe a picture. You think they’re going to buy? No, that’s why over 95, 98, 99% of your visitors don’t convert.

And it’s why you’re creating eCommerce products, putting them on your store and you’re like, huh, why am I not getting any sales?

It’s because of the copy. You’re not interacting with the person. When you go to a physical store, you’re interacting potentially with a salesperson. That salesperson guides you, they help you, they, oh, you need this size to try on for this shirt?

Oh, this looks good, oh no, that doesn’t look good, you shouldn’t get that, but instead, you should get this.

You don’t have that on the web. So, what do you have to do to convince people to buy? You need persuasive copy.

So now that you know that it’s persuasive copy, let’s go over a few things that you can do to make sure that your copy is truly persuasive.

One, talk about the benefit. It’s not just about hey, I’m selling this product, it’s about the solution that, that product is giving people to their problems.

For example, if you’re selling toilet paper, and toilet paper, the one that you’re selling is so soft people don’t have a rough bum from that, your solution is ultra-soft toilet paper.

It’ll make you feel like your bum is sitting on clouds. I’m making it up. And if your reviews on that page enforce that, you’re going to get more sales, right?

So, you have to talk about the solution and the benefit that your solution is providing.

The second tip I have for you, persuasive copy isn’t just copy. A picture says a thousand words. So, if your pictures are amazing in your eCommerce product, you’ll do really well.

Taking professional pictures, 360 degree view cameras, showcasing your products, all this stuff will help boost sales and conversions.

The third thing, reviews.

The copy isn’t just about how much can you convince people to buy your product, it’s also how much can other people convince others to buy your product.

You need a lot of reviews on your site. Whether they’re bad reviews or good reviews, let them all through because they’ll help tell other people if they should be buying your product.

And the fourth tip when it comes to persuasive copy, you need to make sure you go really in-depth on every little thing that your product provides.

Every feature, every nook and cranny of it. Think about any objections someone has when it comes to buying your product.

If you answer all those objections in the copy, you’ll get more sales.

And the last tip I have for you, your copy doesn’t end on your product page. From your checkout page to the thank you page, all of that’s copy.

If you can optimize your checkout page and be like get this delivered to you within two days, emphasizing free shipping, things like that can help boost your sales.

Using a two-step checkout instead of a one-step checkout, that of course, helps boost sales as well.

Doing things like on your thank you page after they checkout, upselling more products and services, that of course, boosts sales.

If you do those things, you’ll start seeing that more of your products will start selling.

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#eCommerce #NeilPatel #DigitalMarketing
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9 Must to have eCommerce features |  9 Top Ecommerce Features जो आपकी Website को कामयाब बना देंगे |

Doston , yeh video hai ecommerce ke baare mein, Aaj kal ecommerce ki dhoom hai aur aage bahot scope hai… is video me maine baat kari hai 9 top ecommerce features ke baare mein jo ke bahot zarooori ho sakte hai kisi bhi ecommerce site ke kaamyaab hone mein,

Know about ecommerce personalization, mobile optimized responsive site, and many more ecommerce site features. This video talks about 9 must have ecommerce features that your ecommerce website must consider if you want it to be successful

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