Archive for the tag: Malaysia

10 Shopee Alternative Marketplace Ecommerce to Consider In Malaysia 2021 l Weng Honn

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Hi guys I am Weng Honn here . So , everyone is talking about Shopee , how much money we can earn on shopee blah blah blah .
Well , no joke , Shopee memang boleh buat duit . We cannot deny that.
But , as Warren buffet says “one should never put all one’s eggs in one basket” .

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Now lets look at what are some of the 10 platforms that you can sell and expand your business.


Marketplace # 1 Air Asia
Marketplace # 2 Bullmart
Marketplace # 3 Grabmart
Marketplace # 4 Lazada
Marketplace # 5 Facebook Marketplace
Marketplace # 6 Facebook Page
Marketplace # 7 Whatsapp
Marketplace # 8 Instagram
Marketplace # 9 Shopify
Marketplace # 10 Shopline

Marketplace#1 Air Asia
If you are a big brand owner , air asia might already have contacted you to list your products on their platform.
The platform enables travellers and non-travellers across ASEAN to choose from a bouquet of products across multiple categories such as Beauty, Fashion, Electronic & Gadgets, Liquor, Health & Wellness, Kids products, Confectioneries and exclusive AirAsia merchandise.

Marketplace #2 Bullmart
Bullmart is an very interesting marketplace apps .Well I should say more than just a marketplace .
It has referral feature , team commission for the buyers and also a lot of great marketing tool for seller to maximize their products sales.
I am currently working very closely with Bullmart if you would like to be part of the team , put teamwenghonn as your referral during sign up , and lets work together.
Launched in 2020, built on the idea of collaborative consumption, connects 3 key elements into it 1: Social, Community, and e-Commerce. Bullmart is designed to introduce a brand new Social-Commerce Sharing Platform+.
I will share more about bullmart in a standalone video .

Marketplace #3 Grabmart
Yes the famous Grab have their own mart aswell .In my opinion the top advantage of grab mart is that, it can Delivered in 30 minutes . which is something that fits into today”s market , where consumer do not mind to pay more to get their products as soon as possible .

Marketplace #4 Lazada
Oh well , I pretty sure that I do not need to introduce more about Lazada .
There are actually different in terms of customer base between Lazada and Shopee.
In general people that buy from Lazada are looking for more authentic products and ready to pay a higher price.
On the other hand , customer in Shopee in general are looking for products that are low in price.

Marketplace #5 Facebook Marketplace
In my opinion facebook marketplace is the most underrated marketplace to sell stuff .Facebook marketplace is such a wonderful place for any sellers to make money with , and it is zero cost and no whatever transaction fees .
All you need to do is just list your products there, and reply when people PM you .Simple

Marketplace #6 Facebook Page
Do you know that you can set up a store using your facebook page as well?
Well , if your facebook page have a good amount of followers , you definitely want to start your store with your facebook page.
If you don’t have one now , you should start 1 today!

Marketplace #7 Whatsapp
Yes ! You can actually upload your products to your whatsapp !
I just realized this when one of my supplier texted me , when I check on his profile he has all his product listed on whatsapp. Damn cool.

Marketplace #8 Instagram
Yes , you can now set up a store using Instagram.
On last year July instagram roll out a dedicated Shop page under the Explore tab that’ll highlight different brands and items that people can purchase .

Marketplace #9 Shopify
I will highly recommend advance sellers to build their individual store for branding purpose and also for better customer retention. Shopify is a commerce platform host that allows anyone to set up an online store and sell their products.

Marketplace #10 Shopline
Very similar with Shopify , Shopline is cater more towards to asia user , and the price is also cheaper than Shopline .
With shopline you can also sync your product from shopee .

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Key Facts About E-Commerce in Malaysia

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Key Facts About E-Commerce in Malaysia

Monimedia Insights | Malaysia’s E-commerce Key Facts
See how we can help your e-commerce business at

The population of Malaysia is 30.7 million people. Malaysia’s internet penetration rate is 68.1%. There are about 15.2 million online shoppers within the country. Furthermore, the e-commerce penetration rate is 70.1%. The country’s revenue is expected to show an annual growth rate (CAGR 2017-2021) of 23.7%. The average revenue per shopper is currently US.53. E-Commerce sales are expected to reach USD1.12 billion in 2017. 54% of online shoppers prefer to pay via online transfer. 80% of online shoppers have done online research prior to their purchases. 40% of online shoppers were introduced to new products via social media.

What are your favourite key facts about e-commerce in Malaysia?
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