E-Commerce is an endless pit on get rich quick schemes that don’t ever work. Instead, pick one that you love, and work as hard as you can to get the best in the world at it and then watch the money roll in !
#shorts #ecommerce #ecommercebusiness Video Rating: / 5
An updated 2022 tutorial was needed because Shopify dropshipping has changed a lot! After watching this video you will become a pro at Shopify Dropshipping!
0:00 – Introduction
1:21 – What is Dropshipping?
3:41 – Step 1: Signing up for a Shopify Dropshipping store
9:52 – Step 2: Connecting the dropshipping app to your Shopify store
12:54 – Link to AliExpress
17:10 – Step 3: How to find dropshipping products to sell on your Shopify store
29:07 – Step 4: Import products to your Shopify store via DSers
29:55 – Edit Product Details
•Shipping info
46:10 – Step 5: Customizing and setting up your Shopify Dropshipping Store
1:10:41 – Quick Recap
1:14:34 – Facebook and Instagram Ads
1:58:22 – TikTok Ads
2:13:57 – Influencer Marketing
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➜ Business Inquiries: contactjrich@gmail.com
➜ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jrichofficial/ Video Rating: / 5
In this video you”ll get a step by step tutorial and learn how to start a profitable Shopify dropshipping business from scratch as a beginner in 2022!
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*Disclaimer* I am not in any way a certified financial advisor, nor do I pretend to be one. Any information or advice I give you on any social media platform is simply my opinion based my own own experience and research. There is no guarantee on anything due to the fact that there are many variables that play a factor in your success. Do your own research, do the work and take everything as an opinion. I also am not apart of Facebook. *Disclosure* Some of the links below are affiliate links, meaning, at no cost to you, I will earn a commission sale if you make a purchase.
Guadagnare con un sito eCommerce è facile oggi? In questo video vedremo 5 cose che nessuno ti dice riguardo l’ecommerce.
Ti spiego con molta razionalità il perché è un ottimo mercato in cui entrare ma ovviamente complicato. Guadagnare con un sito eCommerce oggi non è una cosa per tutti.
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C’è questa idea sbagliata che dopo un corso si è pronti a entrare nel business e diventare un maestro, ma la verità è che come per ogni cosa è necessario del tempo, i corsi sì ti aiuteranno tantissimo, ma la crescita più esponenziale te la darà l’esperienza e la sperimentazione.
Non fraintendetemi, è possibile avere successo molto rapidamente con l’ecommerce, ma la realtà è che non dovresti concentrarti sul fare milioni ma concentrati semplicemente sull’apprendimento delle basi, che possono portarti a profitto il prima possibile.
Le basi dell’e-commerce comprendono: copywriting, marketing digitale a pagamento, influencer marketing, email marketing, creazione di contenuti, sourcing dei prodotti e impostazione del sito web che, in questo momento, è molto facile, grazie a tool come Shopify.
Ci sono molte opinioni su come avviare un’attività, ma quello che ho trovato che ha funzionato è il metodo ispirato a The Lean Startup.
Questo modello capovolge il modello di business tradizionale di pianificazione aziendale.
Abbiamo capito sicuramente che l’ecommerce è un ottimo canale di vendita, ma ha bisogno di un progetto e della competenza di esperti del settore per poi dare risultati concreti.
Ad oggi il tempo che gli utenti trascorrono sul web è in costante aumento e anche il trend degli acquisti online è in costante crescita.
Fai attenzione però, come abbiamo già anticipato aprire un negozio online non è di per sé garanzia di successo.
Il web è immenso quindi c’è bisogno per esempio che gli utenti conoscano l’esistenza del tuo sito, che lo visitino regolarmente e trovino un motivo che li induca ad effettuare un acquisto.
Anche un ecommerce, come più volte abbiamo detto per i siti web, deve essere il risultato di un progetto, che preveda opportune strategie di attacco al mercato, di ricerca dei clienti, di confronto vincente sulla concorrenza.
Alcuni imprenditori con cui ho avuto piacere di parlare inizialmente si presentano spaesati, intontiti da tutti gli uppercut che hanno già subito a causa di precedenti esperienze che li hanno delusi.
Soldi, tempo e speranze gettati al vento.
Altri si presentano come se avessero scoperto la Luna, un Pozzo di San Patrizio da cui finalmente ricavare denaro senza fine.
Comprendo bene entrambi, ma per tutte e due queste tipologie di clienti la risposta può essere una sola: l’ecommerce non è un miracolo. L’ecommerce è un’attività che va costruita ancor prima di mettersi di fronte allo schermo di un computer.
La possibilità che un ecommerce abbia successo dipende da una miriade di fattori. I più importanti sono:
– il prodotto,
– i clienti potenziali e la loro valorizzazione,
– il mercato e la concorrenza,
– gli strumenti con cui scendere in guerra e conquistarli,
– le marginalità e l’organizzazione aziendale,
– l’ottimizzazione dei costi,
– il marketing.
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Hi guys I am Weng Honn here . So , everyone is talking about Shopee , how much money we can earn on shopee blah blah blah .
Well , no joke , Shopee memang boleh buat duit . We cannot deny that.
But , as Warren buffet says “one should never put all one’s eggs in one basket” .
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Now lets look at what are some of the 10 platforms that you can sell and expand your business.
Marketplace#1 Air Asia
If you are a big brand owner , air asia might already have contacted you to list your products on their platform.
The platform enables travellers and non-travellers across ASEAN to choose from a bouquet of products across multiple categories such as Beauty, Fashion, Electronic & Gadgets, Liquor, Health & Wellness, Kids products, Confectioneries and exclusive AirAsia merchandise.
Marketplace #2 Bullmart
Bullmart is an very interesting marketplace apps .Well I should say more than just a marketplace .
It has referral feature , team commission for the buyers and also a lot of great marketing tool for seller to maximize their products sales.
I am currently working very closely with Bullmart if you would like to be part of the team , put teamwenghonn as your referral during sign up , and lets work together.
Launched in 2020, built on the idea of collaborative consumption, connects 3 key elements into it 1: Social, Community, and e-Commerce. Bullmart is designed to introduce a brand new Social-Commerce Sharing Platform+.
I will share more about bullmart in a standalone video .
Marketplace #3 Grabmart
Yes the famous Grab have their own mart aswell .In my opinion the top advantage of grab mart is that, it can Delivered in 30 minutes . which is something that fits into today”s market , where consumer do not mind to pay more to get their products as soon as possible .
Marketplace #4 Lazada
Oh well , I pretty sure that I do not need to introduce more about Lazada .
There are actually different in terms of customer base between Lazada and Shopee.
In general people that buy from Lazada are looking for more authentic products and ready to pay a higher price.
On the other hand , customer in Shopee in general are looking for products that are low in price.
Marketplace #5 Facebook Marketplace
In my opinion facebook marketplace is the most underrated marketplace to sell stuff .Facebook marketplace is such a wonderful place for any sellers to make money with , and it is zero cost and no whatever transaction fees .
All you need to do is just list your products there, and reply when people PM you .Simple
Marketplace #6 Facebook Page
Do you know that you can set up a store using your facebook page as well?
Well , if your facebook page have a good amount of followers , you definitely want to start your store with your facebook page.
If you don’t have one now , you should start 1 today!
Marketplace #7 Whatsapp
Yes ! You can actually upload your products to your whatsapp !
I just realized this when one of my supplier texted me , when I check on his profile he has all his product listed on whatsapp. Damn cool.
Marketplace #8 Instagram
Yes , you can now set up a store using Instagram.
On last year July instagram roll out a dedicated Shop page under the Explore tab that’ll highlight different brands and items that people can purchase .
Marketplace #9 Shopify
I will highly recommend advance sellers to build their individual store for branding purpose and also for better customer retention. Shopify is a commerce platform host that allows anyone to set up an online store and sell their products.
Marketplace #10 Shopline
Very similar with Shopify , Shopline is cater more towards to asia user , and the price is also cheaper than Shopline .
With shopline you can also sync your product from shopee .
Livestream shopping on social media is disrupting traditional e-commerce in China. At the heart of this online craze are the top influencers who sell millions of dollars worth of products every night. Presented By Fidelity.
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Of course, eCommerce as we know it today really got its start when retail giant Amazon created one of the first eCommerce websites back in the early 1990s. Since then, countless companies have followed its lead.
For most of us, it’s hard to imagine modern life without eCommerce. As ingrained as eCommerce has become in our lives, it wasn’t that long ago when it didn’t even exist. We can trace the origins of eCommerce back about 40 years, when “teleshopping” first appeared as the precursor to the modern version.
Keep watching to find out the history of eCommerce, from its origins to modern day.
Blog Post: https://www.iwdagency.com/blogs/news/the-history-of-ecommerce-from-its-origins-to-modern-day
IWD Agency – The eCommerce Experts – https://www.iwdagency.com/
The Success Story of Zappos – https://youtu.be/IZbAD2ANZN4
How Blenders Eyewear Grew to million in under 10 years – https://youtu.be/EAI-S0yPKOA
eCommerce for Dummies – https://youtu.be/-ZAznOtqaiY
Top eCommerce Platforms 2020 – https://youtu.be/zzZsR4eHtNg
Top Tips for eCommerce Business Owners During COVID-19 – https://youtu.be/1Tg_e3hZlOA
IWD Agency offers online business solutions that help maximize the retailer’s consumer base with a professional website, online branding, marketing, and optimizing the overall customer retail experience. Discover the true value of your brand with professional solutions offered by experts in the online retail industry. IWD Agency YouTube channel is focused on providing quality content information, news, tips, tricks, and much more.
On our YouTube channel, you’ll find all the necessary information that you need to maximize your eCommerce biz. So, make sure to follow our content, share these videos, give us a thumbs up, and leave a comment below.
In this video, I am going over 7 things you NEED to know about starting an ecommerce business in 2020. Enter the Alibaba #50kchallenge2020: https://www.facebook.com/Alibaba.comGlobal/posts/10158253369540073 and the Super September Event: https://c.tb.cn/F3.ZnkdXd. If You’re On Mobile: https://c.tb.cn/F3.Zn8mIU
Watch this video in full and you will save time, money, and reach success faster with any e-commerce business.
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Tools I recommend:
Sign up using one of the links below and I will give you a free 1 on 1 consultation
Shopify: https://www.effectiveecommerce.com/shopify
Siteground: https://www.effectiveecommerce.com/siteground
Helium 10: https://www.effectiveecommerce.com/helium10
Jungle Scout: https://www.effectiveecommerce.com/junglescout
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From pre-launch campaigns, to getting organic sales, to increasing your ROI using unique marketing tactics, there are so many things a new ecommerce seller should know. If you want to know how to start an ecommerce business in 2020, or the best strategies for ecommerce, this is the video for you. If I had watched this video before starting, I would have saved myself over ,000 of trial and error.
But seriously, this is the time to start your ecommerce business. There is so much opportunity in this field, and you’ll see that the growth is trending upwards year after year. More buyers means a market that is growing too, so private labeling and direct to consumer are booming business opportunities.
I hope you guys find a lot of value out of this video – please comment below if you’re thinking about taking the leap. I am so glad I took the risk to start my own ecommerce businesses. Today, they bring in passive income and give my life more excitement. If you have any questions about how to start, make sure to check out my other videos too.
My 12 Sources of Income at Age 29 (7 Figure Entrepreneur):
Have an amazing day! Don’t forget to like and subscribe for more videos like this 🙂
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What’s the new normal for commerce? And what can you do to thrive in 2021 and beyond?
We interviewed 25+ industry leaders, investors, and commerce experts, and we discovered five global trends shaping retail and ecommerce. This in-depth report gives you an overview of each trend and practical steps you can take right now to future-proof your business.