What is the European Commission?

The European Commission is a key institution of the European Union and is responsible for proposing new laws and policies, as well as ensuring that EU laws are properly implemented by member states. This video will explore What the Commission is, what it does, and who controls it.

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Source 1: European Commission
Source 2: European Union, What it Does
Source 3: Wikipedia, European Commission
Source 4: Wikipedia, Pierre Moscovici
Source 5: European Commission, Legal Action Against Hungary and Poland

The European Commission explained - Functioning and Tasks

The animated video explains to the general public the functioning and tasks of the European Commission. The main 4 roles of the European Commission are illustrated throughout the story:

1) Right of initiative — proposing new laws and policies;
2) Policy implementation — managing European Union policies and the budget;
3) Guardian of the Treaties — enforcing European Union law;
4) International dimension — ensuring the Union’s external representation.

More info: http://europa.eu/about-eu/
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